L. Jay Helms

Jay Helms

Professor Emeritus
Department of Economics
University of California, Davis
Email: LJHelms@ucdavis.edu
Phone: (925) 689-7228
Fax: (925) 689-7228
Ph.D. (Economics), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979.

B.A., Summa Cum Laude (Economics and Mathematics), University of Southern California, 1974.

Research specialties in public finance and health economics.
Teaching in public finance and microeconomics.

“Surveillance After Treatment for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: Outcomes, Costs, and Cost-Effectiveness,” Obstetrics & Gynecology, 116:5 (November 2010) 1158-1170 (with Joy Melnikow, Christina Slee, Miriam Kuppermann, Stephen Birch, Colleen E. McGahan, Andrew Coldman, Benjamin K. S. Chan, and George F. Sawaya).

“Tamoxifen for Breast Cancer Risk Reduction:  Impact of Alternative Approaches to Quality-of-Life Adjustment on Cost Effectiveness Analysis,” Medical Care, 46:9 (September 2008) 946-953 (with Joy Melnikow, Stephen Birch, Christina Slee, Theodore J. McCarthy, and Miriam Kuppermann).

“Chemoprevention: Drug Pricing and Mortality: The Case of Tamoxifen,” Cancer, 107:5 (September 2006) 950-958 (with Joy Melnikow, Christina Kuenneth, Amber Barnato, Miriam Kuppermann, Stephen Birch, James Nuovo).

“Association of Higher Costs with Symptoms and Diagnosis of Depression,” The Journal of Family Practice, 51:6 (June 2002) 540-544 (with Edward J. Callahan, Klea D. Bertakis, Rahman Azari, John A. Robbins and J. Paul Leigh).

“Patient Gender Differences in the Diagnosis of Depression in Primary Care,” Journal of Women's Health & Gender-Based Medicine 10:7 (November 2001) 689-698 (with Klea D. Bertakis, Edward J. Callahan, Rahman Azari, Paul Leigh, and John A. Robbins).

“Comparing the Use of Physician Time and Health Care Resources among Patients Speaking English, Spanish, and Russian," Medical Care 38:7 (July 2000) 728-738 (with Richard L. Kravitz, Rahman Azari, Deirdre Antonius, and Joy Melnikow).

“The Influence of Patient Age on Primary Care Resident Physician-Patient Interaction,” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 48:1 (January 2000) 30-35 (with Edward J. Callahan, Klea D. Bertakis, Rahman Azari, John A. Robbins, and Dong W. Chang).

“Gender Differences in the Utilization of Health Care Services,” The Journal of Family Practice 49:2 (February 2000) 147-152 (with Klea D. Bertakis, Rahman Azari, Edward J. Callahan, and John A. Robbins).

“Determining Costs of Health Care Services for Cost-Effectiveness Analyses: The Case of Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment,” Medical Care 37:7 (July 1999), 652-661 (with Joy Melnikow).

“Comparison of Primary Care Resident Physicians' Practice Styles During Initial and Return Patient Visits,” Journal of General Internal Medicine 14:8 (August 1999) 459-498 (with Klea D. Bertakis, Rahman Azari, Edward J. Callahan, and John A. Robbins).

“The Impact of Physician Practice Style on Medical Charges,” The Journal of Family Practice 48:1 (January 1999), 31-36 (with Klea D. Bertakis, Rahman Azari, Edward J. Callahan, and John A. Robbins).

“Physician Practice Style Patterns with Established Patients: Determinants and Differences Between Family Practice and General Internal Medicine,” Family Medicine 31:1 (March 1999), 187-194 (with Klea D. Bertakis, John A. Robbins, Edward J. Callahan, and Rahman Azari).

“Differences Between Family Physicians' and General Internists' Medical Charges,” Medical Care 37:1 (1999), 78-82 (with Klea D. Bertakis, Rahman Azari, Edward J. Callahan, John A. Robbins, and Jill Miller).

“Physician Practice Styles and Patient Outcomes: Differences Between Family Practice and General Internal Medicine,” Medical Care 36:6 (1998), 879-891 (with Klea D. Bertakis, Edward J. Callahan, Rahman Azari, John A. Robbins, and Jill Miller).

“Depression in Primary Care: Patient Factors Influencing Recognition,” Family Medicine, 29:3 (March 1997), 174-178 (with Edward J. Callahan, Klea D. Bertakis, Rahman Azari, John A. Robbins, and Jill Miller).

“The Influence of Depression on the Physician-Patient Interaction in Primary Care,” Family Medicine 28:5 (May 1996), 346-351 (with Edward J. Callahan, Klea D. Bertakis, Rahman Azari, John A. Robbins, and Jill Miller).

“The Influence of Gender on Physician Practice Style,” Medical Care 33:4 (1995), 407-416 (with Klea D. Bertakis, Edward J. Callahan, Rahman Azari, and John A. Robbins).

“The Effect of Patient Health Status on Physician Practice Style,” Family Medicine 25:8 (September 1993), 530-535 (with Klea D. Bertakis, Edward J. Callahan, Rahman Azari, and John A. Robbins).

“The Influence of Physician Practice Behaviors on Patient Satisfaction,” Family Medicine 25:1 (January 1993), 17-20 (with John A. Robbins, Klea D. Bertakis, Rahman Azari, Edward J. Callahan, and Deborah A. Creten).

“The Effect of State and Local Taxes on Economic Growth: A Time Series-Cross Section Approach,” The Review of Economics and Statistics 67:4 (November 1985), 574-582.

“Expected Consumer's Surplus and the Welfare Effects of Price Stabilization,” International Economic Review 26:3 (October 1985), 603-617.

“Errors in the Numerical Assessment of the Benefits of Price Stabilization,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 67:1 (February 1985), 93-100.

“State Expenditure Patterns, Revenue Structures, and Economic Performance,” in Stanley J. Bowers, ed., Proceedings of the Seventy-Sixth Annual Conference on Taxation (Columbus, National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, 1984), 152-157.

“Comparing Stochastic Price Regimes: The Limitations of Expected Surplus Measures,” Economics Letters 14:2 (1984), 173-178.

Review of Robert C. Lind, et al., “Discounting for Time and Risk in Energy Policy,” Journal of Economic Literature 22:1 (March 1984), 140-142.

“Modern Public Finance: The Neoclassical Approach,” in Larry L. Wade, ed., Political Economy: Recent Views (Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1983), 27-63.

“Optimal Taxation in a Stochastic Economy: A Cobb-Douglas Example” (with Peter A. Diamond and James A. Mirrlees) Journal of Public Economics 14:1 (August 1980), 1-29.

“Copayments and Demand for Medical Care: The California Medicaid Experience” (with Joseph P. Newhouse and Charles E. Phelps), Bell Journal of Economics 9:1 (Spring 1978), 192-208.

Honors and Awards
  • Thomas Mayer Distinguished Teaching Award, 2004.
  • Excellence in Education Award, Associated Students of the University of California, Davis, 2004.
  • Thomas Mayer Distinguished Teaching Award, 1996.
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, M.I.T., 1974 77.
  • Raubenheimer Scholarship (awarded to top ten in graduating class at the University of Southern California), 1974.
  • Summa cum Laude, University of Southern California, 1974.
  • Phi Beta Kappa.
  • Phi Kappa Phi.

Extramural Grant Funding
  • National Cancer Institute,  “Surveillance Strategies After Treatment for CIN: What is Cost-Effective?” 2005-2009.
  • National Cancer Institute, “Tamoxifen Prevention of Breast Cancer: Acceptance and Cost-Effectiveness,” 2000-2004.
  • National Cancer Institute,  “Abnormal Pap Smears: What is Cost-Effective Management?” 1995-1997.
  • Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, “The Impact of Depressive Symptoms on the Process of Primary Care,” 1994-1995.
  • Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, “A Comparison of Physician Practice Styles and Health Outcomes,” 1990-1994.
  • Social Security Administration, “Optimal Taxation and Social Security,” 1977-81.

University Service
  • UC Davis Academic Senate Parliamentarian, 2008-2011.
  • Academic Senate Executive Council, 2005-2011.
  • Chair, Academic Senate Committee on Elections, Rules and Jurisdiction, 2005-2008.
  • Disability Planning Task Force, 2007-2008.
  • Task Force on Academic Senate Operations and Practices, 2007-2008.
  • Academic Senate Committee on Shared Governance, 2006-2007.
  • Pandemic Planning Task Force, 2005-2007.
  • Intercollegiate Athletics Task Force, 2005-2006.
  • Chair, College of Letters & Science Committee on Courses of Instruction, 2003-2005.
  • Economics Graduate Program Chair, 1987-1998.